Necklaces & Pendants

Dreamcatcher - Pendant Necklaces with Hand - Woven Web PatternsDreamcatcher - Pendant Necklaces with Hand - Woven Web PatternsGeorgini - Sweetheart Sparkly Heart Pendant - Gold
$ 767.14
$ 90.91

Feather - Pendant Necklaces with Real - Feather and Bead AccentsFeather - Pendant Necklaces with Real - Feather and Bead AccentsCattle Call
$ 402.86
$ 65.00

Horseshoe - Pendant Necklaces with Lucky Four - Leaf Clover CharmsHorseshoe - Pendant Necklaces with Lucky Four - Leaf Clover CharmsFiorino Steel Pendant
$ 1,142.18
$ 84.50

Key - Pendant Necklaces with Antique - Style EngravingsKey - Pendant Necklaces with Antique - Style EngravingsNatural Jet
$ 1,553.10
$ 112.58

Mermaid - Tail Pendant Necklaces with Iridescent Abalone Shell InlaysMermaid - Tail Pendant Necklaces with Iridescent Abalone Shell InlaysDiamond Angel Pendant | 10.14 Grams | 0.81 Carats
$ 482.35
$ 87.91

Dragon - Pendant Necklaces with Red Garnet and Black Onyx DetailsDragon - Pendant Necklaces with Red Garnet and Black Onyx DetailsGeorgini - Sweetheart Tennis Necklace - Gold - 42cm
$ 1,614.71
$ 95.66

Angel - Wing Pendant Necklaces with Filigree MetalworkAngel - Wing Pendant Necklaces with Filigree MetalworkKing Steel Pendant
$ 554.15
$ 79.50

Sun - Pendant Necklaces with Radiant Yellow Citrine CentersSun - Pendant Necklaces with Radiant Yellow Citrine CentersGolden Pharaoh Pendant
$ 819.28
$ 44.71

Anchor - Pendant Necklaces with Nautical - Themed Rope ChainsAnchor - Pendant Necklaces with Nautical - Themed Rope ChainsGolden Blessings
$ 989.10
$ 65.00

Infinity - Symbol Pendant Necklaces with Sapphire - Set LinksInfinity - Symbol Pendant Necklaces with Sapphire - Set LinksArk Cross Pendant
$ 243.26
$ 38.90

Tree - of - Life Pendant Necklaces with Gemstone - Inlaid BranchesTree - of - Life Pendant Necklaces with Gemstone - Inlaid BranchesGeorgini - Sweetheart Heart Chain Necklace - Gold Plate
$ 547.28
$ 109.09

Owl - Shaped Pendant Necklaces with Crystal - Studded EyesOwl - Shaped Pendant Necklaces with Crystal - Studded EyesNatural Jet
$ 1,649.79
$ 88.65

Cross - Pendant Necklaces with Intricate Celtic Knotwork CarvingsCross - Pendant Necklaces with Intricate Celtic Knotwork CarvingsGolden Glade Pendant
$ 1,794.49
$ 109.79

Star - Shaped Pendant Necklaces in Sterling Silver with Enamel AccentsStar - Shaped Pendant Necklaces in Sterling Silver with Enamel AccentsSunny Serenity
$ 110.79
$ 65.00

Compass - Pendant Necklaces with Glow - in - the - Dark Dial FeaturesCompass - Pendant Necklaces with Glow - in - the - Dark Dial FeaturesCouture Diamond Pendant
$ 627.32
$ 64.50

Zodiac - Sign Pendant Necklaces with Personalized Birthstone SettingsZodiac - Sign Pendant Necklaces with Personalized Birthstone SettingsKaren Walker - Girl And The Pearl Necklace Gold 45cm
$ 1,353.56
$ 88.42

Feather - Pendant Necklaces with Real - Feather and Bead AccentsFeather - Pendant Necklaces with Real - Feather and Bead AccentsBaby Jesus 10K Gold Pendant | 9.5 Grams
$ 341.67
$ 116.27

Horseshoe - Pendant Necklaces with Lucky Four - Leaf Clover CharmsHorseshoe - Pendant Necklaces with Lucky Four - Leaf Clover CharmsRide the Lightning
$ 788.33
$ 65.00

Key - Pendant Necklaces with Antique - Style EngravingsKey - Pendant Necklaces with Antique - Style EngravingsDiamond Ace of Spades Pendant | 5.40 Carats of Diamonds | Yellow Gold | 2.5 Inches
$ 1,059.44
$ 84.30

Angel - Wing Pendant Necklaces with Filigree MetalworkAngel - Wing Pendant Necklaces with Filigree MetalworkMeadowlark - Lava Heart Necklace Large Silver
$ 1,774.13
$ 107.07

Sun - Pendant Necklaces with Radiant Yellow Citrine CentersSun - Pendant Necklaces with Radiant Yellow Citrine CentersKing Of Rock Skull Pendant
$ 161.70
$ 39.50

Anchor - Pendant Necklaces with Nautical - Themed Rope ChainsAnchor - Pendant Necklaces with Nautical - Themed Rope ChainsArtemis Coin Pendant
$ 1,190.44
$ 87.32

Infinity - Symbol Pendant Necklaces with Sapphire - Set LinksInfinity - Symbol Pendant Necklaces with Sapphire - Set LinksApollo Men's Pendant
$ 620.67
$ 42.25

Elephant - Pendant Necklaces with Ivory - Look Resin and Gold PlatingElephant - Pendant Necklaces with Ivory - Look Resin and Gold PlatingTranquil Essence Ladies Cross
$ 2,266.51
$ 115.60

Owl - Shaped Pendant Necklaces with Crystal - Studded EyesOwl - Shaped Pendant Necklaces with Crystal - Studded EyesNatural Jet
$ 244.33
$ 115.58

Cross - Pendant Necklaces with Intricate Celtic Knotwork CarvingsCross - Pendant Necklaces with Intricate Celtic Knotwork CarvingsMeadowlark - Lava Heart Necklace Small Silver
$ 938.91
$ 100.73

Star - Shaped Pendant Necklaces in Sterling Silver with Enamel AccentsStar - Shaped Pendant Necklaces in Sterling Silver with Enamel AccentsJurrasica Yellow Gold Pendant
$ 60.90
$ 33.27

Compass - Pendant Necklaces with Glow - in - the - Dark Dial FeaturesCompass - Pendant Necklaces with Glow - in - the - Dark Dial FeaturesDrakon Golden Pendant
$ 562.54
$ 45.82

Zodiac - Sign Pendant Necklaces with Personalized Birthstone SettingsZodiac - Sign Pendant Necklaces with Personalized Birthstone SettingsDivine Scrolls
$ 1,366.29
$ 70.00

Feather - Pendant Necklaces with Real - Feather and Bead AccentsFeather - Pendant Necklaces with Real - Feather and Bead AccentsBlack Diamond Cross Pendant | 1.45 Carats | 4.48 Grams
$ 310.03
$ 111.86

Horseshoe - Pendant Necklaces with Lucky Four - Leaf Clover CharmsHorseshoe - Pendant Necklaces with Lucky Four - Leaf Clover CharmsNatural Jet
$ 1,067.87
$ 63.64

Key - Pendant Necklaces with Antique - Style EngravingsKey - Pendant Necklaces with Antique - Style EngravingsDivine Cross Pendant
$ 1,671.07
$ 119.00

Angel - Wing Pendant Necklaces with Filigree MetalworkAngel - Wing Pendant Necklaces with Filigree MetalworkBoh Runga - Duo Miromiro Feather Pendant Gold Plated
$ 445.89
$ 92.68

Crescent - Moon Pendant Necklaces with Pearl - Embellished CurvesCrescent - Moon Pendant Necklaces with Pearl - Embellished CurvesSpeckle Pendant
$ 980.73
$ 105.03

Sun - Pendant Necklaces with Radiant Yellow Citrine CentersSun - Pendant Necklaces with Radiant Yellow Citrine CentersNatural Jet pebble
$ 464.08
$ 63.64

Anchor - Pendant Necklaces with Nautical - Themed Rope ChainsAnchor - Pendant Necklaces with Nautical - Themed Rope ChainsSkull Cannon Gold Pendant
$ 83.75
$ 35.27

Elephant - Pendant Necklaces with Ivory - Look Resin and Gold PlatingElephant - Pendant Necklaces with Ivory - Look Resin and Gold PlatingAmber Wings Pendant
$ 641.82
$ 85.27

Tree - of - Life Pendant Necklaces with Gemstone - Inlaid BranchesTree - of - Life Pendant Necklaces with Gemstone - Inlaid BranchesGeorgini - Gifts Trilogy Pendant Gold Plated
$ 1,107.39
$ 96.97